  A Birdstory

Autoren: Akane, Bonny, Sakura

Nach einer Idee von Bonny

A Birdstory

The Bird war sitting on a Ast of a big Baum.
He watched the Flugzeuge on the Himmel.Suddenly eins von them fing Fire. A Strommasten fiel of the Baum and bratete all Vögel.Only ein Bird was flying weg, but his Federn were smelling very verkohlt. He stürzing ab. The letzte Bird was very hungrig and ate eins of the other braten Vögel. Danach he was very satt, and so he latschte rüber zu a Nest. But the Nest was abgefackelt .
He bastelte sich a new Nest.It sah aus like a Sandburg, but it was gebaut aus Beton. Later came noch ein other Bird dazu and zerhackt the Beton-Sandburg with his Schnabel. The Hauptvogel was angry und pickte him in the Schwanz. He took his beautiful Banane and ate that yellow Ding, before he attack the dumm Bird. The 'dumm' Bird wasn't soo dumm and had a Stein genommen and throw it on the Head of the other Bird. The getroffener Bird was falling hin, but a view Minuten später he sprang auf and flog away, his verkohlten Federn glänzten in the sun. There was another Strommast and the Verkohlte-Federn-Bird wouldn't seeing it and he was flying vollekanne dagegen.It klang very hohl in his Kopf, wenn he was knalling dagegen, but he was to angry to fühl the Schmerz, so he flog weiter. "What a silly Vogel " , sagte the Strommast."You are dumm", fauchte the Bird zurück, but the Strommast lachte about the Stimme of the komische Bratenbird. The gebratene Bird flog away - gegen a Scheibe. He klebing very fest.On the Scheibe were many Bratenflecke from the verkohlte Bird, and it smells like a verbrannter Toast. Als he fliegt away, a black Spur blieb on the Window. A alt Woman sieht this Fleck , nimmt Stone and wirft this dem Bird hinterher. The Bird was getroffen and falling into a Teich.Verzweifelt paddle he with seinen big Flügeln, and so he schwamm lika a Goldfish over the wasser. Auf einmal came a big Fisch and verschlingt the braten Bird.The mittlerweile very dumm Bratenbird was kämpfing an gegen the Fish, and in his Magen it roch very nach Käsecrackern. He found a Krümel Cheesecracker and fraß it. It schmeckte sehr gut and the Bird was loking for mehr, doch suddenly the Fish was rülpsing and spucking the Bird with some of the Käsecrackern out. The first, was the Bird tat, was the Cracker fressen.The leckeren Cracker schwammen auf the Water, so the Bird had to schwimm ihnen in the Stromschnellen nach. Irgendwann kam a Shark. The groß Shark look at the little braten Bird and say : " You look so dumm and braten. I wouldn't eat you. "  The Bird was very erschrocken, but er konnte nicht away schwimmen, so he schrie as loud as he konnte. The Hai erschrak and brülling with the bird um the Wette.Suddenly, the Hai was so erschrocken, that he fast no Luft mehr bekam, so he schwamm weg, and the Bird rettete sich aufs Land. Augenblicklich es come a big Dragon, and he fauchte the dumm Bratenbird an.The Bratenbird was very, very erschrocken and lost his Bewusstsein for a few Minuten. Wenn the Bird was aufgewacht , he nahm his legs in the Flügel and ran for his Life. 'Stupid Vogel', dachte sich the Dragon. But the Bratenbird was it egal, what andere about him dachten, er run einfach away. Auf einmal came an unbraten Bird and say :" Hey , you are braten. But you are sweet" The gebraten Vogel wurde very warm um the Herz, and he fühlte sich very geschmeichelt, because the unbraten Vogel was so süß! "Hey you, I'm habe a Frage.", said the Bratenbird.The unbraten Vogel turn her Kopf around and sah him in the dunkel Eyes. "I mag you.", says the braten Bird and grinste verlegen. The Bratenvogel wurde red. The unbraten Bird  fragt sich "How can get a Bird rot ?" "I don't wissen." The unbraten Bird was langsam schnalling, that this Bird she very mag. "I mag you too." "What we do jetzt ?" ,,Lass uns the Sun entgegen fliegen, mein Darling´´, the Vogel was wispering. They fly hoch and genießen the Wärme of the Sonne. Then they gucken in the Sonne and fall down in to the Strommast. Beide Birds are heiß in they Love. They merkten too late, dass they wegen the Strommasten were braten. ENDE of this geiling Liebe.
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